

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Taking Care of Your Handmade Jewelries

"Hope this piece won't fade after some times?" This has been a constant question most of my first time clients ask before finally making a decision to buy. And who would have blamed them, I probably would do the same if I am in their shoes after all everyone wants value for her money. My response? "This piece will last you for a long time because I always go for quality materials, much still depends on how you take care of it anyway.

Why the conditional clause? You may ask. A lot of persons handle handmade jewelry the same way as mass produced jewelries which is not supposed to be so while some wants it to last them a life time.

This post will provide tips on how to take care of your handmade jewelries so they can last longer.


  • Do not sleep, shower, bathe, swim or do dishes with your jewelry on. Water, even as harmless as tap water may seem, contains a variety of chemicals that can lead to excessive wear to the metals and stones.
  • Do not exercise with jewelry on. Apart from the wear that can result from sweats, tugging, pulling and rough handling can result in broken links, wire and threads. 


  • Only put jewelry on after applying make-up, hair products or perfumes. Repeated exposures to chemicals from these substances may cause your jewelry to loose its sparkles.
  • Before wearing, always check all of the connections, clasps, and jumprings to be sure they are in tact. Give the jewelry to a jeweler to be maintained if it looses.
  • Clean jewelry with mild detergent and water, preferably, lukewarm water.
  • For gemstones and pearls, gently wipe the pieces with a damp cloth, dry completely with a soft cloth, do not use toothpaste and a toothbrush.
  • Where possible, store your handmade jewelries either laying down flat or hanging straight to prevent kinks and tangles.
Just like every accessory needs to be taken care of to extend its life span, so does your handmade jewelries.

I hope these few tips help you enjoy your handmades more. Ciao for now!!!

Friday 10 April 2015

PrncxJewelry Website

Hello Friends, It has really been a long while. Apologies for the prolonged silence (Hope apology is accepted).
The truth is we have been working hard lately on our online store which has really kept me away from my blog. But do not worry, I will soon get back fully.
The good news is: OUR WEBSITE IS NOW LIVE!! (Yippeeeee!!). Believe me, I am actually excited about this. Now you can visit our online store to get all those jewelries and accessories you see in my blog posts and even more.
Oh!!The URL? I am sorry. The excitement has even made me forget about it. The web address is 
With our new website, you no longer need to worry about delay in delivery of products ordered for on our platform. We are also open to suggestions on ways to serve you better (Remember, you are the kings and queens here).

All our product, however, are still available on our konga and kaymu platforms.

Here are some products currently featured on our online shop PrncxJewelry:

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Valentine's Giveaway

Haven't you heard? Do not tell me you still have not participated. PrncxJewelry is giving out free love-themed jewelries on our social network platforms - Facebook and Instagram. You can join in by simply visiting our page PrncxJewelry on Facebook.

Want to have a peep at our prize? That is no crime. Here it is:

You will be guided through a set of simple steps, follow through and you could be the proud winner of this prize.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Choosing Ring Style for Her Finger

Just as One needs to choose Jewelries that complements face shape, one also needs to choose rings that will complement finger size and shape. Hope you are going to choose one that will flatter her finger (Smiles).

The choice of a perfect engagement ring depends on the following two (2) factors which I will call the 1. Person Factor and 2. The Ring Factor:
The Person Factors
The Finger's Length and width
The overall size of the hand
The Ring Factors
The shape and size of the main stone
The style and width of the ring

The way she grooms her nail also play an important role in selecting engagement rings. Are they usually left long or trimmed short? Long nails gives the illusion of long finger.

We will now consider the best ring style for the following finger shapes one at a time
1. Long Fingers
2. Short Fingers
3. Slender Fingers
4. Wide Fingers
5. Small Hands
6. Large Hands
7. Big Knuckles

1. Long Fingers
If that special one has long fingers, congratulations then, because you can choose almost any style of rings for most ring style work well with long slender fingers. But for an extra touch of elegance, you might consider the following ring styles:
Rings with roud stones or princess cut to flatten her fingers
A wider band to complement the length of her fingers

2. Short Fingers
Shop for rings with the aim of adding length to the short fingers. The following will help
Avoid rings with big stones as this may overwhelm the hand.
Oval and Pear shaped stones help lengthen the appearance of the finger.
Go for rings with narrow band as these will make the finger look longer.

3. Slender Fingers
Choose style that will make her finger appear wider. Smaller stones and thicker band can help do that

4. Wide Fingers
Avoid narrow bands as they can make fingers appear wider.
Go for wide, oval, rectangular or emerald shaped rings to create the illusion of a slimmer finger
Round stones in cluster styles also flatter wider fingers

5. Small Hands
We move a bit from fingers to the entire hand. For small hands, the ring should be in direct proportion to the hand, that is, choose small size ring for her small hand.

6. Large Hands
Large hands give you latitude to choose, you can easily get away with bolder styles.

7. Big Knuckles
Draw attention away from her big knuckles by wearing thicker and heavier bands thus drawing attention away from the knuckles and to the rings instead.

I hope this helps you choose the best for the special one. Do not forget to take her personality into consideration too.

Oh did I hear you say thank you, c'mon save that till she says 'Yes I will' [Don't forget to mail me my invite (Winks)]

Sunday 18 January 2015

Ring Size

Hey Dude! Now you are thinking of sealing the deal on 14th February, You wanna ask her to be with you forever and expecting a resounding "Yes, I will!!". Right? Congratulations man because you are just a step closer to getting that!

One important feature of a proposal is the engagement ring. Have you gotten one? Uh Oh! you do not know her ring size and do not want to ask her (It is suppose to be a surprise anyway). Do not worry, I have got you covered, This post will help you get the size discreetly [But, you know you really need to be spanked for not knowing her ring size all this while (just kidding)].

Okay, let us get started. Things you will need are:

  • Ruler and 
  • a Thin Strip of paper
  1. Wrap the paper around the middle finger below the just below the knuckle
  2. Mark the spot where your paper meets and measure with the ruler (You may have to do the measuring at home so she does not suspect)
Now you get the ring size in inches but rings come in numbered sizes.  Below is a list of ring sizes and their corresponding size in inches

Size 4: 1 13/16
Size 5: 1 15/16
Size 6: 2 1/16
Size 7: 2 1/8
Size 8: 2 1/4
Size 9: 2 5/16
Size 10: 2 7/16
Size 11: 2 9/16
Size 12: 2 5/8
Size 13: 2 3/4
Size 14: 2 7/8

Now, you think you are good to go?
One more thing, what type of ring are you going to buy for her? You know that needs to complement are finger shape and length too! That will be discussed in the next pose (Suspense? Do not worry, it will not be long).

Thursday 15 January 2015

February 14th on its way

Wow! it is already less than a month to the famous February 14th! Y'all know what I mean (Yes! Yes!! exactly what you think). I am sure some lovebirds have started planning for it already. Some cute guys are even thinking of getting on one knee that day (Blushing for you already, girlfriend). 

You know what, I will be sharing tips and gift ideas that will make that day special on this blog plus a very big surprise for page viewers.

Keep it locked on this blog!!